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Search Function to include spaces

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Marvin Castellanos

I have some documents that when I open them with nitro pro, they look okay initially, but when I try to search for a word, if I type the complete word it says it cannot find it although it is in front of me. I figured out that if I add a space after each letter it would recognize it. Is there a way i can configure nitro to search for a word or combination of letters and ignore spacing? I will leave an example attached.


  • Official Nitronaut
Allain Umailin

Hello @Marvin Castellanos,

Thank you for reaching out to us through our Community Forums!

In order for me to further assist you with your concern, could you please provide the following?:

-Build of Nitro Pro are you working with. You can find this out by clicking on 'About Nitro Pro' under the Help tab (format is 13.X.X.X, e.g. or you can go to Control Panel > Programs and Features.
-Copies of a few sample files (with sensitive information extracted) you are working that exhibits this behavior so I can replicate it on my end. To send it via private message, hover your mouse on top of my name 'AllainU' and select 'Message'.
-Did you install Nitro Pro 13 English or in Spanish?

Thank you very much in advance and I am looking forward to hearing back from you. 

  • 4 months later...
Glenn Roberts

Just thought I'd add my experience to this. I'm having the same issue as Marvin. Additional information is below

  • Problem occurs with versions &
  • Only installed English version

I note that I've experienced this with the reports which come out of some financial software. This software creates a PDF with financial reports and documents created from MS Word templates. The search function seems to pick up the words OK from the MS Word templates but not from the financial reports. AllainU, I'll try to send you the report in question.

  • Official Nitronaut
Allain Umailin

Hello @Glenn Roberts,

Thank you for reaching out to us through our Community Forums!

To further assist you, we would love to perform some tests if you could send us original copies of the PDF files and the name of the financial software that generated them.

Lastly, please also provide the serial numbers for your Nitro Pro 12 and 13 by sending them via private message (hover your mouse on top of my name 'AllainU' and select 'Message').

Thank you very much in advance and I am looking forward to hearing back from you. 

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