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Empty Radio Buttons become filled with a dot once shown in NitroSign

Eleanor Powell

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Eleanor Powell

I have multiple groups of radio buttons that each grouping has the exact same name, and operate as normal as a fillable PDF.  Aesthetically, while in NitroPro these groupings look as expected: only one in the grouping is marked.  However, once uploaded to NitroSign, the empty radio buttons become filled with a dot & circle, similar to a target within my square radio buttons.  To be clear, NOT A SINGLE RADIO BUTTON IS EMPTY once uploaded to NitroSign.  My radio buttons use the Cross button style, found under Properties -> Options.

     Oddly, only 1 grouping has four radio buttons in it, and when I leave ALL blank, they aren't subject to the above bug; it only applies to a grouping that has one in it's grouping selected.

Edited by Eleanor Powell
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Eleanor Powell

     I'd include an image but this forum disallows directly uploading pics, instead insisting on including a URL for an image; and this forum refuses to recognize any of the 3 sites I've uploaded to in order to accomodate that limitation.

     I added a Checkbox to replace a group of Radio Buttons, matched the Size & Alignment of the existing Radio Buttons, deleted that 1 Radio Button.  Copied this new Checkbox, changed it's export value from Yes to No (double checking the original checkbox & sure enough, it's value was changed to zero, "0") so that now I had two Checkboxes with matching Name, different export values...interesting thing: I get the intended Cross in the Checkbox I selected, and a Checkmark in the one I left blank when initiating upload to NItroSign for signature...

Same problem with NitroSign, different fillable form tool...🤦‍♀️

All fillable form fields were added using only NitroPro.  Adobe's stuff is buggier than they'd like to admit and I'm afraid they may not be alone...


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Eleanor Powell

This continues to plague all my PDFs with NitroPro-created Radio Buttons...  I've used these forms in the past with NitroSign and only recently has this become an issue.

Every single Radio Button is filled in, showing an "x" (because button style is "Cross" on ALL Radio Buttons) for the selected item and a filled-in dot on unselected Radio Buttons once processed by NitroSign/Nitro Cloud.  Everything is marked, making the function of the Radio Buttons unclear and useless.


Because NitroSign exhibits this anomaly, I'm checking if same-named Checkboxes creates a similarly desired functionality and clarity without the unintended dots (i.e. unselected options STAY unselected/unfilled).  Unfortunately, these headaches for a product that's been around so long really feels like the company couldn't care less..  I'm afraid this will be weighed in the future, when the time comes for considering other product purchases versus their ease of use and reliability.  It's a shame, because only occasionally have I experienced where a recipient didn't recieve the request email after multiple attempts (no feedback to requester that the request email delivery was successful or not; no option to eliminate 'so-and-so has viewed' email notifications?) and NitroSign's client-side workflow that walks the signer through signing a document is pretty smooth and highly reliable on recipient's ends.  Just too bad these surprises all too often slip through and affect how others begin to negatively perceive my efforts.

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  • 2 months later...
Eleanor Powell

Interesting there's nothing but my replies here on this bug.  No one else seems to mention this bug with NitroSign/NitroCloud, it comes up 3 times on the first page when searching, "NitroSign radio button" and seems most forum posts don't ever see a response.  I still get something in ALL radio buttons (selected gets the correct icon, all others are filled in with a dot); none are left blank when viewed within NitroSign.  The unselected radio buttons come back post-signature as blank; they're sent to NitroSign as blank; the only issue is during review of the document within NitroSign by others, looks messed up and unprofessional, and months after reporting it here, not a single response...  Combined with other problems and lots of crashes, this will be my only purchase ever of Nitro, and I'll be looking for recommendations elsewhere.  Goodbye Nitro.

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  • 1 month later...

This same thing is happening to me right now. It only happens when I only have 2 buttons in the same group. If I have 3 or more, it functions properly. I'm new to Nitro, so assumed I was doing something wrong, but I can't see that I am.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Eleanor Powell

I'll have it happen regardless of whether it's two, three, four; doesn't seem to matter how many, and only shows up within NitroSign (the web interface).  It won't mess with a group if nothing is selected in that group, however.  It's a glitch that also shows on the signor's end as they're applying signatures, yet once finished it doesn't show these bugs on the finished, signed PDF -- on NitroSign or the signed copy sent via email.

And I'd post images but this forum refuses to accept the handful of free sites I've tried..  Why do you make it aggravating to post pics here -- why can't you just accept uploading pics, like you already do for our User profile pics? 🤦‍♀️  Ridiculous.  Just like their support: you have to pay for the privilege to help them improve their product.  Hunting for a replacement at this point.

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