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Problem activating on second computer

Erik Fredeen

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Erik Fredeen

I'm trying to add Nitro Pro to a second computer I own.  When I lookup my Nitro Pro serial number on the computer I have been using, it gives me six numbers and a bunch of Xs.  Nitro Pro will not activate on the computer with neither the six numbers, nor if I copy and paste the entire string with the Xs.  I am using release


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  • Official Nitronaut
Reymund Oyong

Hi @Erik Fredeen,

Thank you for reaching out to us through our Community Forums!

If you still have the invoice receipt during your Nitro Pro purchase, you can check there your serial number. In any case you no longer have the invoice receipt, please provide the email address you use when you purchase the license. You can also provide the serial number you see on your existing Nitro Pro installation, we will try to search for the complete serial number.

Kind regards,

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Joseph Rosen

Hi Reymund, I purchased a single Nitro Pro license but lost the email with my serial #. I have a new PC and am trying to reinstall but there is no place on the Nitro website where I can retrieve my serial number! So frustrated. I can't even create a support ticket without a serial number, so I have to use this forum. Can you help me? My email address for my original license is yos "at" shinymind "dot" com. Please help me!  Thank you. 

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  • Official Nitronaut
Reymund Oyong

Hi @Joseph Rosen

Thank you for reaching out to us through our Community Forums!

I searched for a Nitro Pro license purchase using the email address you provided, including the email you use to submit this post, however, I did not get any purchase records. 

If you still have the invoice receipt, please get the order reference number so we could search for it. If you no longer have it, kindly provide the Full name of the purchaser and the correct email address used to purchase the license. 

Kind regards,

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  • Official Nitronaut
Reymund Oyong

Hi @Dr. Matthew Harings

Thank you for reaching out to us through our Community Forums!

The invoice receipt that includes your Nitro Pro 13 serial number was sent again to your email address. Kindly check your Gmail email and look for the email that contains 'Your Nitro Productivity Suite order' in the subject line. 

Please check as well your spam and junk mail folders. 

Kind regards,

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