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שגיאת סקריפט בהדפסה

אברהם סגינר

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אברהם סגינר

בביצוע הדפסה נפתחים הרבה חלונות עם הודעת שגיאת סקריפט

When I print a lot of windows open a script error occurred on this page and it appears right one after the other and on site support I have not seen a solution to this

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  • Official Nitronaut
Reymund Oyong

Hi שגיאת סקריפט בהדפסה,

Thank you for reaching out to us through our Community Forums!

Please allow us to get additional information to better troubleshoot this issue. I have outlined my questions below:

1. What is the version of your PDFPen / PDFpen Pro?
2. The exact steps you are taking before coming across the script error. 
3. Screenshot to visually describe the issue. 
4. The make and model of your printer.

Thank you and I look forward to hearing back from you. 

Kind regards,

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