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How to recover username and password

Chloe Carothers-Liske

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Chloe Carothers-Liske

Hello, I need to dowload Nitro PDF pro onto my boss's computer but have no idea what the username and password associated with the account are. I know that they exist as we had nitro in our office and were using it before. It just came preinstalled on her computer so she is not aware of any of the credencials. I have tried resetting the password to log onto nitro but there is no password reset email that goes to her email address. So it's as if this email is not associated with any account. Please let me know I can do short of creating a new account. I have a serial number which seems to work. Please let me know what I can do to figure out or reset the login credencials, thank you. 

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  • Official Nitronaut
Allain Umailin

Hello @Chloe Carothers-Liske,

Thank you for reaching out to us through our Community Forums!

Please be aware that installing and activate Nitro Pro do not require logging to Nitro Sign.

In order check our purchasing server, could you please provide the following information for me by sending me a private message (hover your mouse on top of my name 'AllainU' and select 'Message')?

-The full name and address of the purchaser
-The email address used to purchase Nitro Pro.
-A copy of the order invoice.

If you purchased this directly through our online store, I will be able to find a record of this. If you purchased through a reseller of Nitro, you will need to contact them directly as we do not have records of their purchases. 

Looking forward to hearing back from you soon.

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