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"Please select devices to activate"

William Beezley

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William Beezley

I've had Nitro Pro for several years on my PC.  I understand I can also activate it on my laptop.  I've tried and failed.  My serial # is 234600xxxxxx476115.

When I go through your "Submit a support ticket" circle of death, I keep bumping into a block.  After I enter my number in the screen "Need Help Activating Nitro Pro?" and click the button "Find License", I am instructed to deactivate my license.  However, the screen shows "number of activations" at zero and I'm unable to deactivate anything.  

I tried uninstalling Nitro Pro and reinstalling it.  That didn't work.  Please help.

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  • Official Nitronaut
Reymund Oyong

Greetings @William Beezley

Thank you for reaching out to us through our Community Forums!

In checking your email address, I can see that you have already upgraded your old serial number to the latest version.
I've noticed as well that you were able to install Nitro PDF Pro 13 and activated it using the new serial number. 

Could you please confirm if you still need to use the old serial number for activation? 

Kind regards,

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