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Enrique Santander

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Enrique Santander

Mi Nitro Pro 13 se congela cuando guardo archivos después de realizar una extracción o al intentar combinar archivos, en ambos casos el archivo nuevo sí se crea pero tengo que cerrar el programa para trabajar de nuevo


My Nitro Pro 13 freezes when saving files after extracting or trying to merge files, in both cases the new file is created but I have to close the program to work again

Edited by Reymund G.
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Enrique Santander

Migré mi licencia de un equipo con Windows 10 core i5 a uno con Windows 11 core i7


I migrated my license from a Windows 10 core i5 computer to a Windows 11 core i7 computer

Edited by Reymund G.
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  • Official Nitronaut
Reymund Oyong

Greetings @Enrique Santander

Thank you for reaching out to us through our Community Forums!
I will be using Google translate and I apologize if the translation is not accurate. 

If the files you are trying to extract or combine are being accessed from a network/shared drive, please try to copy the files from Google drive to your local drive then process the extract and combine processes from there. 

If that works, the connection to the Google drive may be interrupting Nitro PDF Pro from completing the process. 

Kind regards,

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Enrique Santander

I will be using Google translate and I apologize if the translation is not accurate. 

I have carried out the indicated test and indeed the conflict is found with files hosted in the cloud and does not occur with files hosted on the computer. But this only happens with Nitro Pro 13, not with Nitro 12. The operation of my work requires work in the cloud and by policy I can not download files locally, what alternative could you give me?
Additionally, I would like to indicate that the portal https://licenses.gonitro.com/prd/portal is not working, it does not detect any of my licenses.

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