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Selecting all comments and/or highlights.


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I have a lot of text that is highlighted and I want to delete the highlighting from all of them. I can only find a reference to deleting these one-at-a-time. Is there a way to select multiple comments and/or highlights to delete or change properites?

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  • 1 year later...

I had a need to select all the comments in my PDF for deletion. I could only select them individually or with the control key I could select multiple; however, this is time consuming since I had over 200 comments.

My solution is as follows:

Select a single comment on the screen.

Use "Control A" to select all, and you should see it begin selecting all of them.

Then use the Delete key ( if the delete key doesn't work or is greyed out, the comments might be locked.  In that case, after all are selected, right click on the same comment you originally selected and then hit "Properties" . in the lower left there is a box "locked" if its checked, uncheck it. Now the delete key should be available to work.

if in the comments pane you see multiple pages of comments, you might have to repeat for the process.

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