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Upgraded to M.2 ssd and reverted back to trial mode Nitro Pro V7

Andre Fontaine

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Andre Fontaine

How do i get to reactivate?    I can found my license but no device is listed to deactivate. Prior to the computer upgrade, i had had two licenses ( on two computers ), one for V7 and one for V13( as an upgrade to V12). 


I read this ( https://community.gonitro.com/announcement/14-having-problems-activating-nitro-pro/ ) and installed version 12 from the installed i had from my V12 purchase, and instead of activating the computer, it said that it was activated already, but no active device listed.  


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  • Official Nitronaut
Reymund Oyong

Greetings @Andre Fontaine

Thank you for reaching out through our Community Forums!

Please note that we no longer support Nitro Pro 11 and older and its activation servers have been shut down. Thus, any activation or deactivation attempt on these versions will no longer work. Also, access to the installer for these versions are no longer available.
However, version 12 and older licenses have been reset (to 0 activations) and was transferred to the new activation server, allowing it to activate the latest build of Nitro PDF Pro 12 which is 

To successfully activate using existing serial number that starts with 234, please ensure that you install Nitro PDF Pro
The installer can be located from the link below:

https://www.gonitro.com/product-details/downloads  - click the 'Download Nitro Pro 12' link. 

In any case you would like to upgrade the license, you can process it online through our Online upgrade portal at https://www.gonitro.com/support/upgrade 
We recommend upgrading to our latest version, Nitro PDF Pro 13, which comes with significant stability and security improvements, as well as many feature enhancements, in particular in conversion and OCR functions. 

Kind regards,

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