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Problem Scanning to OCR from Printed Document


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Very New to Nitro Pro. Having followed the instructions "Use a scanner to OCR a printed document" and ticked the box to open the scanned document in Nitro Pro, it does not open the document. can anyone help?

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  • Official Nitronaut

Hello @PeterJW,

Thank you for reaching out to us through our Community Forums!

To create a file from your scanner, open Nitro Pro. On the Home tab, in the Create group, click the PDF button, then From Scanner

To use the OCR tool in Nitro Pro, please follow the instructions here: http://kb.gonitro.com/knowledgebase#/search/scan to pdf/000001654
If that webpage doesn't load, please use the search bar and type the keywords "Combine".

I hope this helps!

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