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Andrew DeMaio

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Andrew DeMaio

I installed Nitro Pro on my workstation this morning in hopes of the constant freezing issue getting resolved.  That issue is still there, but now there is a new issue when it comes to printing files that contain both Portrait and Landscape pages.  The file I found the issue in had the first page Portrait and the rest all Landscape.  When I printed the file, every page printed in Portrait orientation, shrinking the landscape pages to fit on the width of the sheet, which of course looks ridiculous.  I tried this with 3 different printers and even printed to a PDF using the Nitro Pro printer and received the same result.  I did not experience this in any of the prior builds.  The only solution was to print the 1 portrait page itself, then printer the rest of the pages in landscape using the options for the printer.

There is a note in the release notes that this is a known issue and they suggest turning on ‘Use PDF page size to select paper source’, which does solve the issue, but it does cause our printer to display am error asking to select the paper source when it has to change from portrait to landscape, which is really annoying.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • Official Nitronaut

Hello @KarlHungus53,

Thank you for posting on our Community Forums!

This is a known bug in, as noted in our release notes:

The bug has been fixed and is currently in QA.
The fix will be available in our next build, which is tentatively scheduled for release late January.

I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience. 

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