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license reactiviation post Win 10 update


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Hi Nitro admins,

Like everyone else it seems, the Win 10 creators update has caused issues with Nitro pro and I'm getting the -23 error: license number already used.

Could I please get someone to action my support ticket (00151698)?

Can i also suggest the Nitro provide a method to users to deactivate a license themselves online? Windows updates are notorious for creating these errors for non microsoft products.




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Same problem here: after last windows 10 update Nitro Pro 11 has gone into trial mode and if I try to use my activation key, I get error -23: license already in use.

I get this problem on every update, which happens every quarter or so. It was an annoyance, but I used to write you and got the problem solved rather quickly (one day or so). Then you created this support license, I felt you deserved having some side income and opted for it. But, since my one year support license has expired, It seems contacting you by phone or mail is impossible...as well as trying to renew the support license: this is full regression!

I feel subjected to poor customer's support policy: For starters, if the program was correctly designed, I would not have this RECURRENT problem nor the need to contact you.

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Same problem here: I needed to format my hard disk after a windows 10 failure and now I get an error -23 message, while I can't deactivate my former instance of Nitro 10.
Please help.

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