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Nitro Pro 9 Printer missing from list of printers, cant re-install using support tool

Andy Strange

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Andy Strange

Hey everyone,

Need help regarding installation of Nitro Pro 9 and specifically the printer driver.

My hard drive failed so have had to re-install Nitro Pro 9.

Since the re-install the Nitro Pro 9 printer doesn't appear in my list of print drivers.

I tried to re-install the print driver through the 'support tool' utility but it comes up with an error.

Errors says: 'Nitro PDF Software Support Tools: Installation of the printer driver failed'

I have contacted Nitro support but apparently i need to pay or have 'Software Assurance' which is a bit off in my opinion.

I have bought the software and now have a problem with it but Nitro want me to pay more to sort out a problem with their software installation................doesn't seem quite right.

Anyhow i would like some advice on how i can resolve this printer driver problem as even though Nitro Pro 9 works i am having trouble creating PDF's from my graphics software or other utilities.

thanks in advance for any help!

Cheers Andy

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