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Flattening a Document


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Is there an easier way to flatten a document?  The only way I know how to do it is to do a "Save As", switch the applicable setting to "Flattened PDF", find the applicable folder and save over the original file.  Is there a button or something I can do that just flattens the document while I am still working on it?  Like, for instance, how you can remove metadata.

And is flattening the document even the right thing?  My practice is to flatten a document before I send it to anyone else, so the document is "locked down" and cannot be changed.  For instance, if I QuickSign a letter, I will flatten it before it is sent.  This ensures the signature cannot be removed or changed on the letter, and it makes it so the signature appears like any other signed document.

What is the purpose of flattening?



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  • Power User
Steven Zakulec

Here's an article on flattening: http://kb.gonitro.com/knowledgebase#/search/flatten/000002033

Basically, flattening disables any of the interactive elements in a PDF- forms, annotations, etc, and makes it a static object.  Everything is now on one layer, and comments are no longer readable as they are yellow boxes on the page now.

If you actually want to make sure no one with a PDF editor can change the document, you need to go one step further and use Password or Certificate Security.

Here's the article on Password Security (Certificate security is more complicated): http://kb.gonitro.com/knowledgebase#/answers/Nitro Pro/000001668


You can make this process a little quicker by adding a flatten button to the Quick Access Toolbar and/or setting a keyboard shortcut for it.

To do either of these, right-click on one of the tabs, and choose "Customize Quick Access Toolbar".  The option you want is under Backstage- Save As Flattened.

If you want to set a keyboard shortcut, on the same screen at the bottom is a button that says "Customize".  Click that.  This will take you to the keyboard shortcuts screen.  Save As Flattened is under the Backstage category.

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