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Nitro Pro 12 will not install


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I downloaded file from Cleverbridge link, and from Nitro web site, and from links provided other persons

in the community with the same problem.  After a dozen attempts the software will not install.  I even

followed the outline prescribed by  a technician employed at Nitro, that spelled out steps to follow; but

that didn't work either.  I then shut down my antivirus program temporarily in an effort to install the 

program but that didn't work. I even uninstalled a program 'Perfect Disk' that was listed part way through

the install as perhaps blocking the install , but no joy?  I tried everything possible, except climbing a tall

mountain to get this program installed?  I have Windows 7 64bit and have installed many, i say many

programs but this is the first that I cannot install?  I have uninstalled all other downloads of Nitro Pro

programs, and I have uninstalled Nitro Pro 11; but that didn;t help.  I have Revco Uninstaller program

that assists in clearing out all leftovers of a program being uninstalled.  Still no joy!  Someone please

help me get this program installed.   I have purchased Nitro Pro as far back as three (3) older versions

but never had this issue.  I need alll the technicians at Nitro to huddle together and help me get this

program installed.  Thanks.

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It is also interesting to note that I easily installed and used Nitro Pro 11 on this computer. 

It would really be helpful if the interrupted install would accurately flag what might be

the conflict so that one could address the issue and complete the install?


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  • Official Nitronaut
Kelvin B. Villarin

Hi @rdp,

Thanks for posting on our Community Forums!

I'll create a ticket on your behalf so we can continue troubleshooting there. 


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