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Password security - help help help !!!!


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Hi guys. 

I've just bought a lisence and I've created a password to restrict users to modify my docs but it seems that I've restircted myself as well as an owner. I can't modify documents anymore. Applying this password disactivated many options for me. How to  activate  them back???? please, help !!!

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Hi guys. 

I've just bought a lisence and I've created a password to restrict users to modify my docs but it seems that I've restricted myself as well as an owner. I can't modify documents anymore. Applying this password disactivated many options for me. How to  activate  them back???? please, help !!!

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On 7/12/2018 at 7:33 PM, Steven Zakulec said:

Once you've applied a password to a document, you need to unprotect the document using the password if you want to make a change that isn't allowed.

Here's the section from the guide on how to do that: http://guide.gonitro.com/articles/password-security/

If that's not the issue, let me know.

Hi Steven,

Thanks for your reply. I've reed through but there is nothing about how to unprotect the document. But it's not only about document it's about the Nitro soft - when I open the Nitro program many functions are greyed -out. 

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  • Power User
Steven Zakulec

You open the document, go to File, Document Properties, Security, and then click Change Settings. You'll be prompted to enter in the password then.  That will unlock the document, and you can then switch to No Security if you want to remove it.

If you've restricted what can be done to a PDF using Password Security, Nitro greys out any functions you're not allowed to use on the current document.



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