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Activation Nitro12 doesn't work since 1 week


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I both N12 via Cleverbridge 10 days ago. I am alloud to install it 1 on Desktop and 1 on Laptop, booth Win7.
I have my Key, the download worked well but the message is allways the same: That the activation is not alloud because I have first to deactivate the install ???????
So I spent hours and hors without success!
What shall I do???????

Best, Alabin

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  • Official Nitronaut
Allain Umailin

Hello @Alabin,

Thank you for reaching out to us through our Community Forums!

I sent you a personal message to ask for more information.


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  • Official Nitronaut
Allain Umailin

Hello @Alabin,

Thank you for providing the serial number of your Nitro Pro 12.

To fix the error you are receiving, I just made an adjustment on your license, so you can now activate your copy of Nitro Pro by going to Help tab > About Nitro Pro > Activate, entering your serial number and clicking Activate.


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