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Interface Language


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Hi support,

I just updated to and the interface language is in English...

How can I revert it to French?

BTW I had no choice of the interface language at installation.


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  • Official Nitronaut

Hello BrunoG,

Thank you for posting your query on our Community Forums!

To change the language version that you have currently installed, please follow the steps below:

  1. Uninstall your current version of Nitro Pro which you can do through Windows Control Panel.
  2. Once complete, shutdown your PC (not a restart) and turn on again
  3. Follow this link to download the latest update of your version: https://www.gonitro.com/support/downloads
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select the language you would like to download


I hope this helps!


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Well, it didn't work!

Went to the french page.

Downloaded, deinstalled the old version, shutdown, restart, reinstall the new version.... still english.

Please see the included screen capture and the path of the downloaded file: install.nitropropdf.com/pro10/EN/retail/nitro_pro10_x64.exe


It comes from the /EN/ directory...

Any suggestion.


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  • 1 month later...
Ruben Kraak

Hey Leslie. I tried the link you have placed. and have changed the Dutch.

but I get the older version of the nitro 10. not with the cloud verrsie.
How do I get the right version with the cloud option in it.

in Dutch.


ruben Kraak

nitro 10 cloud.PNG

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