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Nitro PDF Creator not working


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Hello there

We are using Nitro Pro 11 Enterprise Subscription on a Citrix Farm with an Windows Server 2016 Image.

We don't know since when the "printer" stopped working. The problem  right now is, that you can choose the "Nitro PDF Creator" printer, select the location where to put the file and the name of the new file. After that, it just stops at the point, where the creator should start its work. It opens the window for the "Nitro PDF Creator", but doesn't do anything else.

I already reinstalled the Software a few times with different configurations, but nothing help.

Best regards



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  • Official Nitronaut
Allain Umailin

Hello @This,

Thank you for reaching out to us through our Community Forums!

Since you have VIP Access (formerly Software Assurance), a support ticket was created on your behalf to further assist you with your concern.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for creating the support ticket.

I got the suggestion, to install the standalone PDF Creator. Unfortunately, it didn't work. The ticket got closed bevor I could answer, due to an accident of myself. Is there a known problem with the printdriver and Windows 10/2016?

Can i create a VIP Ticket on my own?

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  • Official Nitronaut
Allain Umailin

Hello @This,

Thanks for providing these information and I hope you're doing fine now.

For us to further assist you, we've re-opened your support ticket and the support representative will be sending you an email for next steps.

To submit a support case, you may visit https://www.gonitro.com/support/ticket


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