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Nitro Crashing - Printing Preferences


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Has anyone experienced Nitro to Crash when selecting Printing Preferences before submitting a print job?

I have a  Windows 10 machine that has been newly built and reinstalled with Nitro twice now.

unfortunately, I've not received any form of Error message or report to troubleshoot with. 

Also, the Printing Preferences menu can be viewed within any other application as expected.

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  • Official Nitronaut

Hello @Tylendon,

I checked your account so I have opened a support ticket on your behalf so we can help you directly.

We will be in touch via the support ticket as soon as possible.


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I am having the same issue having just upgraded from version 9 to the latest version. 

My operating system is Windows 10 pro version 1709, OS build 16299.192.

Is there an update with this matter ?

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  • Official Nitronaut

Hello @WilliamM,

By the latest version, did you mean the latest build of Pro 9 or the current version, Nitro Pro 12?
You can send me a direct message with the details of the issue so I can help you directly.


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7 hours ago, Leslie V. said:

Hello @WilliamM,

By the latest version, did you mean the latest build of Pro 9 or the current version, Nitro Pro 12?
You can send me a direct message with the details of the issue so I can help you directly.


Hi Leslie, I am using the latest build of Nitro Pro 12 having upgraded from 9. I am still running both versions on my laptop. 9 prints fine, 12 crashes pretty much every time when I try and select print preferences. I have left 9 on my machine until this matter has been resolved.

Sorry for confusion.

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  • Official Nitronaut

Hello @WilliamM,

Thanks for clarifying! 

I believe a similar case has already been escalated to our Product team.

We do not have a resolution yet. But please know, all updates will be available on this page:
And the updated build here: https://www.gonitro.com/nps/product-details/downloads

We encourage you to check for updates on those pages above from time to time.

Apologies for the inconvenience and thanks again for reaching out to us!


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