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VMWare VDI Enviroment


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We have a VMWare VDI environment and I am looking for around 15 licenses (maybe more). My question is does Nitro 12 work in a VMWare VDI environment? We use a non-persistent setup for all of our VDI sessions. With this being said is there going to be a problem with licensing when the user logs off and the VDI resets to the master image? If this is the case where we would loose the license do we need to have a license for every VDI in our pool's we have set up for our different departments? Do the license keys get applied to the users roaming profile? If this all would loose the license key would there be something else that we could do with Nitro to be able to retain this users license to the software every time they logoff and log back in after the VDI resets to the master image. We currently use Adobe Creative cloud for some of our users and this works well but is getting expensive and we are looking for a different solution.



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  • Official Nitronaut

Hello Brad,

Thanks for reaching out to us through our Community Forums!

We have a set-up that will work on your environment. I highly encourage you to leave your contact details here so that a Sales Executive will be able to reach out to you and answer your questions.


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Thanks Leslie, However I did contact sales support before and I was told that they cannot answer my question as it is too technical and they needed me to contact tech support instead and gave me the link to this forum. Will leaving my information for an sales person to call me work this time around? I was talking to a Peter Tham from sales before.



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Leslie, I am sorry as I was not actively on the site so I did not see this message. Would I be able to get in touch with you or the sales team today?



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