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Limit reached for number of files


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I recently installed Nitro Pro 12 on to two users machines. Today one of the users is getting the following message when merging PDf's:

"Limit reached for number of files you can process for this task. Please reduce the number of files and try again".

When she tried the same process with the same number of files on the other Nitro Pro 12 machine the task completed and no limit reached message was displayed?

Can anyone suggest why this might be happening?


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  • Official Nitronaut

Hello @milldaisfin,

Thank you for reaching out to us through our Community Forums!

There isn't a limit on file sizes for Nitro as it will directly tie to your computers processing power it will more likely to be tied to your machines limitations. If you find that it's taking a long time to process your document or work with it, then you can either split it up into smaller sections while you work it it, or you can optimize your document to reduce the file size and quality of the document. I've provided both resources for you below:

http://kb.gonitro.com/knowledgebase#/search/edit tools summary/000001873


You may also try clearing your Temp Files. When you convert a file from another format to PDF,  or if you combine files, it creates a temporary file until you save it directly using Nitro Pro.  These temp files get deleted automatically after the document is saved in Nitro Pro.

The temp conversion directory is under C:\users\your_username\Appdata\local\temp

If for whatever reason this directory is full, you can clear it to free up more space for larger conversions.

I hope that helps!


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