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cannot print to Nitro Pro 11 with Windows 10


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I recently installed Nitro Pro 11 on a new computer.  I is running Windows 10.  When I "print" to Nitro nothing happens.  In the support tools is says the operating system is Windows 8, home.  Is this the problem?  If so, how do change the operating system settings in Nitro 11?  If this isn't an issue, how do I fix this problem?

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  • Official Nitronaut
Reymund Oyong

Hi @Renee,

Thank you for reaching out to us through our Community Forums!

For me to better troubleshoot this issue, could you please provide details to the following?:

• Exact build of Nitro Pro 11 installed on your Windows 10 computer. Found under Help > About Nitro Pro (ex: Nitro Pro 11.x.x.x)
• Are you trying to print to a physical printer or through Nitro PDF Creator? 
• Please describe your workflow when you print to Nitro. It is always helpful to send screenshots for troubleshooting reasons
• Is this issue happening to all files/documents?
• If you are working on a specific document, please send a copy (with confidential information removed) through private message so I can perform a test on my end. 

Kind Regards, 

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I have Nitro Pro  I cannot print to Nitro.  by that I mean...For example in Word, I want to print the document to Nitro Pro to create a pdf.  The document tries to save, but goes no where.  When I open the print queue (in the printers and scanners system area) it shows the document in the queue and the state says "sent to printer" but nothing happens and the document does not save.  The same thing happens from every program and every document on this computer.  Nitro seems to be working except this issue.  I am running the same version of Nitro on other computers and the other computers work fine.  

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I have the same problem. I use Nitro Pro 12, Windows 7 Home. When I try to print with NitroPDF for example in Word or Thunderbird, the document tries to save, but does not.  When I open the print queue (in the printers and scanners system area) it shows the document in the queue and the state says "sent to printer" but nothing happens and the document does not save.  The same thing happens from every program and every document on this computer.

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  • 2 weeks later...


I am using Nitro Pro 11, system Windows 10 Home 64bit with all updates. It is not possible to print with Nitro pro 11, I reinstalled the program 2 times, I reinstalled the pdf creator, but the problem still exists.

When I try to print the file it is sent to the printer and I see it in the printer que, but it is never created. Problem occurs in all programs (MS Office programs, QuickBooks) and also Microsoft Edge, Firefox and Google Chrome.

I have called Nitro, but no one calls me back.  I would consider upgrading to 12, but I am concerned the same issue will occur.  Please help me.

What can I do?

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  • Official Nitronaut
Reymund Oyong

Hi @Renee

I recommend to uninstall Nitro using our Clean-Up tool then reinstall Nitro  as this will likely smooth out the issue.
Please see the steps below:

1. Clear the content of the directory under C:\users\your_username\Appdata\local\temp. For whatever reason, not all temp files automatically remove themselves and is NOT usually caused by Nitro Pro files.

Note: AppData folder is hidden by default. You can access this by typing the above path and replacing the your_username to your user name. 

2. Download and run our Clean-Up utility to uninstall your Nitro Pro: 

3. Refer to the steps below on how to use the Clean-Up Tool to Remove Nitro Pro:
http://kb.gonitro.com/knowledgebase#/search/clean up/000003054

4. Install Nitro

32bit - http://install.nitropdf.com/professional_1108470/en/burn/nitro_pro11_ba_x86.msi
64bit - http://install.nitropdf.com/professional_1108470/en/burn/nitro_pro11_ba_x64.msi

If you are not sure which to pick, this will help: 

Note: Please remove any previously downloaded installers before downloading the new installer, so they don't get mixed up.

5. Once Nitro is installed, check if it is already activated. If not, activate it using your Nitro Pro 11 serial number. 
To activate, launch the software then go to Help > About Nitro Pro > Activate. 

After the above steps, please check if you can proceed on converting/printing files to PDF using Nitro. 


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  • Official Nitronaut
Reymund Oyong

Hi @BOL,

I believe your issue is already resolved on the support ticket that was created for you. 

If you have additional questions, please send your response to the support ticket for better case handling. 

Thank you!


Edited by Reymund G.
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  • 3 months later...

I, too am having problems printing from Nitro 11, so I followed all the instructions above and now I can't even get it to install... the installer fails every time. what is weird is that Nitro prints fine to all printers from the other machine in my office but will not print to the plotter from this machine. and now I can't reload it on this machine at all.  what can I do?  I am beyond frustrated and even my computer support company could not figure out the printing issue.  several hours later and now I don't even have the software anymore...

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  • 8 months later...

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