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Undo 'text box' will crash the Nitro PDF


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I have a client that is using Nitro Pro 12 (with serial) that having a problem when editing a pdf file and a text box is added to the file then we undo text box. Nitro PDF will crash the the undo process. I have installed the latest Nitro Pro on user's machine.

Tested on my machine, trial mode Nitro Pro same thing happen.

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  • Official Nitronaut

Hello Sharul,

Thank you for reaching out to us through our Community Forums!

Please include the file and their exact step by step process that leads to the crash so we can investigate.


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I've tested with two pdf file.

1) For a testing purpose, i've downloaded a .pdf sample file from this website.


2) I've also created a .pdf file using Microsoft word and print to pdf with Nitro PDF.



1) Open Nitro pdf (version12.11.0.509, trial) https://networkoverdrive-my.sharepoint.com/:i:/p/sharul_nizam/EXSJJzbtGwVOodDArZY9svIBABfYG6y42oJTOMI4rLqeLQ?e=5ysanx

2) Open a pdf file using the function file open, Computer and browse for the file.

3) Go to review tab and add a text box to the pdf file and undo the text box after that, Nitro pdf will close and a crash report popup appeared https://networkoverdrive-my.sharepoint.com/:i:/p/sharul_nizam/EZWDip_5NelMnVnnX4_P2dcBlGT7bp7cnT33PmaWv5h9Mw?e=qbmCnN

That is my test.




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Received this from pro support:

Thank you for providing that context to the crashes.

Your description matches a bug that was recently discovered and is currently being worked on.

It is listed under the 'Known Issues' in our latest release notes:


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I have been experiencing this issue as well for about a month.  

Nitro Version:  Nitro Pro

O/S:  Windows 7 Professional

After I make a change to a PDF document in a previously added text box:

  1. Every time I click on the text box to make a change, ALL the lines in the text box move closer together.  This means I have to re-do <CR>'s to add the space back between the lines
  2. When I try to save the changed document, Nitro Pro crashes / shuts down
  3. When I try to open that document again, it crashes Nitro Pro immediately.  When I try to open different PDF documents, they open without a problem and Nitro Pro does not crash

This means I need to re-create the "broken" PDF document from scratch, which is of course quite irritating ....

>>>>> Please notify us as soon as this bug as been fixed.


>>>>> ALSO:  is there a way of "fixing" PDF documents which have been "broken" by Nitro Pro 12?






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I downloaded and installed the latest Nitro Pro version,  So far it's not crashing / shutting down after I edit a text box, so there's that.  If it starts happening again, I'll check back in here.

>>>> However, the bug where "every time I click on the text box to make a change, ALL the lines in the text box move closer together" is still happening.

>>>> One suggestion:  it would be nice if Nitro Pro had a "check to see if there is a newer version available" button in the "About Nitro Pro" dialog box.  It would be certainly more useful than the "Legal Notices" or "Deactivate" buttons current there .... 

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