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Upgrade Nitro Pro without Cloud

Tim Last



I've been a user of Nitro PDF since I don't know when: at least 10-15 years, but now, instead of just making an upgrade to version 12 for around $60-70$ like in the past, you are making us buy a whole suite which half of is useless.  Why would I want Nitro Cloud when I already have the "Cadillac" of cloud servers: DropBox? 

I have also tried vs 12 for a couple of weeks now, and you still have not fixed the problems from vs 9 or 10: such as it doesn't remember your print settings from within the same session (it used to). Also, when you send a new copy of *.fdf to it, it doesn't update if Nitro is already open ( it used to do that too). And your inability to create Named Locations like you can in Adobe.

So instead of fixing problems of the past, you have created new ones and added useless features to a broken product.

So it looks like this is the end of the road for me.  In the past, you were the only real alternative to Adobe Pro, but now with many competitors in this market, there are many better alternatives. You just no longer get your money's worth like in the past.

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  • Official Nitronaut
Allain Umailin

Hello @Tim Last,

Thank you for reaching out to us through our Community Forums and for being a loyal Nitro Pro user!

Since the release of Nitro Pro 12, Nitro now offers Nitro Productivity Suite that includes Nitro Pro and Nitro Cloud (Basic version).

With regards to the issue where Nitro Pro 12 is not remembering the last printer used, it is now fixed in Nitro Pro as per below Release Notes:


Are you still trialing an older build of v12? If yes, kindly update to the latest build by going this page: https://www.gonitro.com/nps/product-details/downloads

Thanks for choosing Nitro Pro and please don't hesitate to reach out again if you have further questions

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Hi Allain:

  No, I am not trialling Nitro v12 any longer.  I have decided that since you guys have switched to a much more expensive solution for basically no extra usability for me that I will use other pdf software.  I am actually trying PDF Studio 2018 which seems to do everything that Nitro does and even more, but at less than 1/2 the price: $89 USD.  If that fails to meet my needs, there are still plenty of others to try.

  Nitro has gone after a different market by offering the Cloud service, which in my mind, is useless when I already have a better cloud service: Dropbox.

I am however, frustrated that you have been disloyal to me after I have given you money for 3-4 versions and now are forcing me to shell out another $200+ just to upgrade Nitro Pro. ( I couldn't care less about your cloud services).  You need to offer Nitro Pro as a stand-alone as in the past, NOT as part of a suite.  I will not be recommending Nitro Pro in the future as I have in the past.

Sincerely, Tim

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