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Signature Requestor gets copy of Signature Request Email


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Is it possible for the person who created the signature request email to receive a copy into their email box of the email sent for signature?

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  • 1 year later...
Mike Dooley

Is it possible to stop a copy of the Signed document from being sent by email to the signer and the sender? As this negates all email security policies of not sending documents by email!! Help I would love to be able to use Nitro PDF but this is stopping me from using and recommending this as being insecure actions. Hopefully its an easy fix. Please advise.



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  • Official Nitronaut
Kelvin B. Villarin

Hi Mike,

Thanks for posting on our Community Forums!

This is not yet possible at the moment but you are more than welcome to share this idea on our Nitro Sign Product Improvement page: 


While we cannot guarantee each idea/ feature request submitted will be granted, rest assured our development team will be notified.

I hope this helps!

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  • 3 weeks later...
She Ling Lim
On 4/3/2019 at 4:49 PM, Kelvin V. said:


Thanks for posting on our Community Forums!

Yes, you can cc yourself on the email before sending the signature request. Please open the link below and refer to step 6 and its screenshot.


I hope this helps!

If I include myself on cc, the email that I will receive once signature request is sent out, is it the same one as what a Signatory will receive? Because the signatory's email system blocks all emails from My Name <noreply@cloud.gonitro.com>, there is a link in the signature request email sent o signatories that I want to separately email to the Signatory.

Is there any way I can get the links that the Nitro Cloud system generates that are tagged to each Signatory? 


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  • Official Nitronaut
Kelvin B. Villarin

Hi @She Ling Lim,

Thanks for posting on our Community Forums!

If you include yourself on cc, you will receive a different email which will look like this:


Only the Signatory will be able to access the signatory link. The link you'll receive (as cc) is for viewing purposes (to check if the signatory has already signed it or not). 

I hope this helps!

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She Ling Lim
5 minutes ago, Kelvin V. said:

Hi @She Ling Lim,

Thanks for posting on our Community Forums!

If you include yourself on cc, you will receive a different email which will look like this:


Only the Signatory will be able to access the signatory link. The link you'll receive (as cc) is for viewing purposes (to check if the signatory has already signed it or not). 

I hope this helps!

Hi Kelvin, 

Thanks for your reply. So it seems there is no way signature requestor can retrieve the signatory link. If that is the case, and the signature requestor does not receive a copy of the email sent to Signatory, what is your suggestion if a Signatory claims that he did not receive the email sent by Nitro requesting for his signature? As mentioned in my first post, this can happen because the signatory's email system blocks all emails from My Name <noreply@cloud.gonitro.com>.

How can we get the Signatory to sign the document if he did not receive the Signatory Link? 

Considering the above, will Nitro look into making the Signatory Link available to the Signature Requestor? 



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