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Nitro PDF Creator Pro: saving embedded URLs and colors in HTML pages to converted PDFs

dario f


Dear NitroPDF Communities / Forum,

Windows 10 embedded "save as PDF" feature from a HTML page is able to save embedded URLs regularly.
But it does not save the color of the hotlinks/URLs for easy identification in the PDF document.

NitroPDF Pro Creator 12 apparently does not save  hotlinks and neither the original color: the resulting PDF is plan text eventually with graphics but with no hotlinks included and not colored/underlined URLs, so relevant information from the original HTML page is lost forever during the printing conversion.

Again, at least standard Windows 10 feature saves the embedded hotlinks even if in the resulting embedded URLs are not easy to spot, unless the mouse cursor is over them.

Since relevant 'data' is not saved from the original HTML page, in my humble opinion, it should be a priority enhancement/ fix.  I trialled your 10.x product years ago but I still have to see this critical feature that any Nitro PDF user would expect reasonably to see implemented. 

Unfortunately after all these years, I can't find a solution and I still need to copy-paste web pages in Microsoft Word in order to save the relevant hotlinks and underlined/colors properties for URLs because a complete PDF doc is not obtainable from a HTML page as explained above. 

Therefore a version of NitroPDF able to convert properly the HTML pages into PDF format fully would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your time and attention to the case.

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