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Several radio button in one form


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My form has several pages.
on the first page 2 radio buttons (yes/ no). On another page of the same form the information is repeated. (The first page goes to the insurance company, the second page goes to the insured and the third to the doctor. Some fields are commun to all pages)

How to do when the user selected Yes on the first page, the yes is also ticked on the other pages, and vice versa if the user ticks no on one of the radio groups the other group follows identical ?

Thanks in advance for your reply

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  • Official Nitronaut
Kelvin B. Villarin

Hi @Roland,

Thanks for posting on our Community Forums!

Text fields with the same name auto populates once one of them is filled out. That's not the case with radio buttons. Can you direct message me the file you are working with so I might be able to provide a possible workaround? Maybe we could use a combo box with yes-no options? 


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