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Snapshot / text box and Erase works are block, as not as scaled selection


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When I try to use Snapshot, or try and  insert a text box, and for that matter erase, the selection is based on blacks, whereas previously I was able to scale the size myself. This is making it extremely difficult to moddify PDF................ What has gone wrong in a setting or the Software? I will be extremely grateful for your help......anyone? Cheers Stan



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  • Official Nitronaut

Hello @stanrad,

Thanks for posting here!

Can you please provide us with the file, your exact steps, some screenshots and the exact build of Nitro you are using so that we can understand your issue better?


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Hi Leslie,

I'm using Nitro Pro which I'm sure is the most up to date version.

I've just gone into preferences, where "the irritated computer user thing"......... I stumbled on Units and Grid, which I've never made adjustments. The height between lines and  width were set to 25.4, with my Unit of measure as mm.

I changed this to 1, and 1mm for precision, so its seems  to be fine now.

Thanks for your attempt to help me, where this may be a simple solution for anyone else who encounters this problem.

Thanks Stan

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