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Calculated fields show '0' when empty


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Hi there,

simple question: calculated fields show '0' when fields multiplied are empty, how to avoid these results when there are no numbers in the empty fields?

I have a table into a pdf page, rows x columns as in excel, when i dont fill all the fields then anyway the fields' results are showns as zero. I should need a kind of 'if field is empy then not to calculate' javascript.

Can you help me solve this issue?

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  • Official Nitronaut

Hello Lele,

Thanks for reaching out!

Please note that we do not provide customer support for creating and editing scripts. The program we offer, Nitro Pro supports javascript, but we are not trained to evaluate javascript codes. Should you need any additional assistance with JavaScript, a web search may help generate the information you are looking for.


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  • Power User
Steven Zakulec

It's a bit weird, but you can make this happen- see this thread for more details and important caveats:

If you can find a better way, please let me know- I'd be thrilled to know as well.

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