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Trial Mode Activated


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I have been a happy Nitro Pro customer for many years, and always pre-purchase the discounted upgrades when they become available. I even pre-purchased the Fall 2019 upgrade.

Something happened and I am now in trial mode, and not sure if it has to do with that recent purchase... regardless I am dissatisfied with the lack of contact resources to fix this. I had a serial number before I made the Fall purchase, i used it to qualify for the purchase. The serial number is no longer in "help and about", i presume because it's in trial mode now.

Possibly I will be back working when they send me the fall upgrade serial number? Maybe I can install the new version, and use that serial number.... but since I can't find my previously working serial number, I am just SOL to reactivate. No one to contact, no one to call for an account issue... just go away and don't bother us is how I feel treated. In the meantime before the fall serial number arrives I will have to find an alternative. I'm not sure what product I'll use yet, but the way I feel about Nitro right now (neglected)... it wouldn't take much for me to jump ship. I hate to waste the $55.00 i spent to upgrade, but I'm sure a company that has gone to extreme lengths to avoid hearing a customers problem, will not be accommodating to refund my money.

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  • Official Nitronaut

Hello @Geo2020,

Thanks for reaching out to us through our forums!

I just sent you your serial number via direct message. Please try reactivating and let me know how that goes.

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