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Extract OCR Text in plain text


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I have a scanned PDF that i converted with the OCR tool so I could copy paste from it. This works just fine. But now I want te extract the text with using the conversion to plain text. This function always gives me an empty txt file.

Is there any way that I can extract the OCR text?


Best Regards,


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  • Official Nitronaut

Hello Marsi,

This can be caused by many factors and issues. The results are going to vary depending on each document. We would need to test the original file and we would need the step by step play of what steps you were taking.

This would allow us the best chance to recreate the failure and work at getting it resolved for you. If you want us to investigate further, please let me know and provide me with those.

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It would be nice If you could investigate what is happening. I can describe my actions here. I only need to know how I can get the pdf file to you guys, its quite large. The original file is 42Mb and the file with OCR applied is 192 Mb.

The procedure is as follows:

- I take the original file: "AAS-18-0007 RO uitrol, beheer en onderhoud CCTV.pdf" and run the OCR function with the following OCR settings "OCR.png"

- When this is done I save the file as "AAS-18-0007 RO uitrol, beheer en onderhoud CCTV OCR.pdf". this file becomes 192Mb

- Then I use the export to plain text function for the settings look at "plain text.png" and "Advance text recovery.png"

I tried to share the files at following location:https://we.tl/t-JSUWAunEWz

I hope you can reach them.

Best Regards,


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