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Can't get to pdfextra.com/activate

Vincent B. Collins

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Vincent B. Collins

So far it looks like I've been fleeced for 4 Nitro PDF Extra 2023 licenses. I get the digital digit from my browser when I go to pdfextra.com/activate with an unsafe site error and I'm blocked. I then went to gonitro.com and apparently, there is no way to activate using a Key vs. a SN. Is there a site that Edge will be happy with that accepts my activation keys?

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Official Nitronaut
Allain Umailin

Hello @Vincent B. Collins,

Thank you for reaching out to us through our Community Forums, and our sincere apologies for the delay.

To further assist you, could you please provide a screenshot of the issue you are experiencing?

Thank you in advance!

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Vincent B. Collins

When I discovered my mistake, I really didn't think I deserved a return from Y'all.

It started with a purchase of two Pro 14 licenses and the way cleverbridge presented the S/Ns to me. Long story short, I ended up with 4 licenses of PDF Extra that I thought was of gonitro.com but apparently not. I've reached out for a refund, but I doubt that' going to happen. I finally got to the proper site that reinstates the activation and at this time one of the two Nitro Pro 14 copies is functional; the other is in the Round two-it barrel.

All said and done the issue with all @ gonitro.com are taken care of.

Thanks for getting back😊.

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