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Errore attivazione


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sto cercando di attivare la mia licenza di Nitro pro, ma ho il seguente problema. Il software non riesce a rilevare il collegamento internet in nessuna maniera, l'attivazione automatica va in errore  con il messaggio "Errore di connessione" e l'attivazione manuale dopo l'inserimento del seriale non mi rilascia il certificato pre-generato. 

Come posso risolvere???





i am trying to activate my Nitro pro license but i have the following problem. The software fails to detect the internet connection in any way, the automatic activation fails with the message "Connection error" and the manual activation after inserting the serial does not issue me the pre-generated certificate.

How can I solve ???

Thank you

Edited by Leslie V.
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  • Official Nitronaut


Please use the tool I have provided below to remove all files associated with Nitro Pro and reboot your system.

NOTE: This clean-up tool will erase any existing signature files within Nitro, so please save them to another location before using the clean-up tool in order to keep them. 

Please see this link for backing up custom stamps/signatures: https://kb.gonitro.com/knowledgebase#/search/stamps/000004307

When your system is back up, close all of your open applications and install Nitro Pro from the page I have provided below:

I hope this helps!

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