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Nitro Is not opening Docs correctly , show only lines.

Juan Martinez

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Juan Martinez

When I open my docs with Nitro show like erased lines, does not show any text, I need to downlead the doc from my Outlook and upload it to Google  Drive to be able to read the information online, if I download the document to my computer does not work after I try to open again.

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  • Official Nitronaut

Hello Juan,

Thanks for your reaching out to us!

So that we can troubleshoot the problem, please provide me with the following:

- A detailed description of the issue you are experiencing
- The file you are opening so we can test
- What exact version of Nitro you are using (You can retrieve this information by going to the Help tab> About Nitro Pro.)
- The exact steps you are taking
- A screen shot of what you are seeing or any error message you are receiving

I look forward to your response.

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