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Error 401 on startup

Chris Allen

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Chris Allen

Hello All,

Last week I updated my licensed Nitro Pro individual instance to version Since then, every time I start the program I'm shown the following error dialog:

     Nitro Pro
          An error has occurred within our system. Please try again or
          contact support if this error persists. (Error 401).



Nitro Pro doesn't actually crash or freeze; when I click "OK" the error dialog goes away and Nitro Pro pops up. But it is annoying and only started happening after the update. There must be a solution to make this behavior stop.

I have searched the KB for "Error 401" and came up empty. I don't have a VIP license and thus cannot submit a support ticket. Does anyone know what is causing this and how I can eliminate it?

Thanks in advance,

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Chris Allen

I followed the steps in the thread you pointed me to. Now there is no error message when the app starts, but every time I exit I am stopped by the "Our Apologies" crash dialog! WTH?

I submitted the crash dialog message, referring to this thread.


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