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Can't retrieve signed documents

Tony Hardy

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Tony Hardy

I sent some docs out to a client for signature 2 months ago. The client has signed them and I have the emails saying signature is complete.
However, when I click on the links in the emails to view the signed documents I get a 404 error and I can't retrieve the docs.
Does NitroSign delete signed docs after a certain time? 2 months seems like a very short time to keep the docs if so. Is there any way I can retrieve these documents? 

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Wireless Services Asia Inc.

I have encountered a similar problem where I get an email requesting for a signature but when I click on the email it results in a 404 error. I realized that the problem is caused by the fact that i am currently logged in as a user owner in another Nitro Sign account but the signing request is from another Nitro Sign account. The solution was for me to log out of my account before trying to sign the document.

Is it possible that you are maintaining two Nitro Sign accounts and at the time you are trying to access the document via the email notification that you are logged in with another account?

I don't know if this will help.


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