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Uninstalling Nitro 11

Dexter Jordan

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Dexter Jordan

Can anyone please explain to me in a manner that doesn't require me to be a computer expert how I can uninstall this app? Customer service suggested I post in the forum so here I am. I tried to update my software from 11 to 12: when I try to uninstall, it gives me an error message saying "Nitro Pro Setup Wizard has failed." When I try to "Modify" and click "Repair" I get the same message. Support sent me a link to the forum with a thousand steps I can't understand and now I can't even get 11 to open up. At this point I just want it off my computer and I'm going to buy Adobe or something. I've used Nitro for years, it's always been a little bug-ridden and now I'm just fed up and over it. Anyone?

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  • Official Nitronaut

Hello Dexter,

Sorry to hear you are having issues uninstalling Nitro Pro 11.

Please use the tool I have provided below to remove all files associated with Nitro Pro and reboot your system.

After running this, you can get the installer for Nitro Pro 12 from this page: https://www.gonitro.com/product-details/downloads

Please let me know if you have any questions.


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