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All text boxes and check boxes are blacked out when printing

Mieli Reeves

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We are having issues when printing PDF documents that have form fields in the form of text boxes and check boxes. The document shows up fine on the screen and in print preview but once it has actually printed, all of these boxes have been blacked out and we can't see any of their contents. This is happening even if the box itself has been left blank, and it is also happening for documents that are not fillable forms but have any sort of box or outline in them.

This has only been happening since we have updated our printer drivers to the most recent drivers, and is only happening for users with Nitro. It does not happen when printing the same documents from Adobe.

I have seen online that there is a way to work around this issue by changing between vector and raster, however this is not a valid workaround as it causes the image quality of the document to decrease drastically.

This issue has been very inconvenient as our organisation prints a large number of forms and needs to be able to use Nitro to make changes to these documents. We are not very impressed as we have paid hundreds of dollars for Nitro licences and now the program is causing major issues.

Is this issue going to be fixed any time soon?

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  • Official Nitronaut
Allain Umailin

Hello @Mieli Reeves,

Thank you for reaching out to us through our Community Forums and our sincere apologies that the workaround to using Raster is not a good option for your organization.

Kindly note that this issue when printing to Ricoh printers is be placed on the long-term product roadmap, so unfortunately, there is no short-term solution for it. 

Consequently, how many users within your organization have complained about this printing issue?

Once I have this information, I would be happy to add your account to the existing internal case with our product team. 

While we cannot guarantee that a fix will be available anytime soon, rest assured our development team will be notified and all updates will be available on this page:


Thank you very much in advance and I am looking forward to hearing back from you.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Good Morning,

Struggling With A Similar Issue I Believe, My Colleague In The Office Seems To Print Perfectly Fine, However, When I Seem To Print It Just Blacks Out All Boxes, Including Watermarks.

Please Advise If We Have Yet Resolved This Issue Or Are We Still Experiencing This ? I Have A New Printer Installed, Still The Same Issue. Also Now Install Nitro Pro 13 Apposed To Nitro Pro 9, Still Having The Same Issue.. 

Somebody Please Help With This ?

Much Appreciated 

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  • Official Nitronaut
Allain Umailin


Thank you for reaching out to us through our Community Forums!

Are you printing PDF file to a Ricoh physical printer? If yes, this issue when printing to Ricoh printers is be placed on the long-term product roadmap, so unfortunately, there is no short-term solution for it. 

We do not have a time frame of when this will be fixed, but hopefully in the next release or two.

Updates will be available on our website so please visit this page from time to time:

In the meantime, a workaround is available by changing Ricoh Printing Preference > Detailed Settings > Print Quality > Advanced > From Vector to Raster > Apply

I hope this helps and our sincere apologies for this inconvenience.

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  • 11 months later...
Daniel Larson

We have this problem sporadically as well - we have 25 seats of Nitro Pro.


Please add our account to those expecting a Fix ASAP.


Opening the PDF in Google Chrome Browser and then printing works just fine.


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