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Missing pages in annotated PDF

Peter Johnson

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Peter Johnson

I received a 296pp pdf, a book proof, that I annotated (in Nitro) and returned to the designer. I know it was received OK because I have received a new proof that includes (most of) the corrections I sought. However, I want to compare the new proof with the one that I annotated but 34pp are missing from it, apparently at random. Not had this happen before. The file size is unaltered and I suspect that the missing pages are still there but not displaying. (But I tried another pdf reader/editor (picked at random from the MS store) and that also can only 'see' 262pp.) Unfortunately my backup is the same, and so is the backup of the backup.

Any ideas about what might have happened? The file was not used between being saved a few weeks ago and being opened and found wanting yesterday. I've not had any drive issues.

I'm happy to make the file available for examination.

(Nitro Pro

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