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Nitro Pro Phantom Customer Service hides behind a veil of secrecy

Gene Kamarasy

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Gene Kamarasy

Until today, I was a big FAN of Nitro Pro.

1) I upgraded 

2)  Link to downoad new software fails to download, (using CHROME)

3)  Copied URL purchase confirmation to MS Edge to try there.  EPIC FAIL, URL not recognized.

4)  Now Nitro Pro had wasted over 45 minutes of  my life HIDING from me.  When you go to support, and click on OTHER, it does not offer you a call center in Pakistan.  Oh Noooo, it offers NOTHING, but FAQ and the user forum.  It is easier to contact the IRS and they are the worst, but at least they post a phone number or contact us option.  NITRO PTO, an dth erich VC Millionaires who think they are cute don't even offer the option to reach a real person.  That really sucks.  Nothing but bullshit and runaround.  Thank you California High Tech trying to be cutsie.  Not amused.

5)  Apparently, at Nitro Pro, the customer is to be taken on a wild goose chase but never helped.

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  • Official Nitronaut

Hello @Gene Kamarasy

Thanks for reaching out to us! I'm happy to assist you. I apologize for the inconvenienc. The good news is, we respond in the Community Forums.

I searched for a ticket or an old forum post, but couldn't find any that discusses the issue you are experiencing.

Can you please let me know what issue or error message you're getting? A screenshot will be very helpful.

I look forward to hearing back from you.

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