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Uninstalled and now can't activate with serial number

Caitriona Murtagh

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Caitriona Murtagh

Hi Nitro
I purchased Nitro Pro on 7 July 2018.
Now can't use the serial code to activate the software any longer. When I try to enter it, it says the serial code does not exist.
Also can't raise a ticket using 'activate'. When I search for the serial number, the number is found, but screen prompts tell me to select a device to deactivate. 
But no devices are listed for me to select to de-activate.

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  • Official Nitronaut

Hello @Caitriona Murtagh

Thank you for your message - I can help you out.

Sounds like version 13 is installed. Kindly uninstall. The serial number you purchased will only work if you have version 12 installed.

We have recently upgraded our activation servers. Please install the latest Nitro Pro 12 update ( so you can reactivate successfully: 

Then activate with your Nitro Pro 12 serial number.

I hope this helps. Let me know if you require anything else.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Eloise Griffin


I have a similar problem. I bought Nitro Pro in 2019. I have a new work computer and I am having trouble downloading Nitro. I get a pop up box asking if I allow Nitro to make changes to my computer. To select yes I am asked for a username and password which I do not know. So I can't get past this stage.

Can you help with this?

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