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Conversion aborted

Tom During

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Using the lates version of Nitro Pro 13.15. 1.282.  

Printing Excel-sheets with Nitro has not been any problem earlier, and no suddenly it dosn't work. :( I get "Conversion aborted!"  The same thing happens when I try to print from other programs like Word, notepad etc.

Please help me!



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  • Official Nitronaut

Hello @Tom During

So that we can troubleshoot the problem, please provide me with the following:

- What your Operating System is
- The file you are working on for testing
- Your specific step by step workflow so we can replicate this on our end
- A screen shot of what you are seeing or any error message you are receiving

I look forward to your response.

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I'm running Windows 10 version 21H1 for x64based system (KB4023057) and I have all prevus updates installed. 

I just use Nitro as a printer, so it's the normal procedur for printing an document: Arcive - prinp an I chose Nitro as printer - Enter

I just get the following information:

"Conversion Aborted"

A green line            Close

Test Nitro.pdf      C:?User\Tom\Documents\Slask\ Test Nitro.pdf

Sorry, but I can't find out how to up-load to you the original Excel-file ocr the screen-shot. 

All documents I have tried to pring remains in the print-que!

Brgd, Tom

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