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Adding Multi Languages(English/Thai) to PDF


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When I add multi language(English/Thai) text to my PDF, in Nitro Pro it is displayed correctly, but after saving PDF, Thai languages is just displayed empty spaces

Is this a NitroPro issue, and any workaround for this

Kind Regards



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  • Official Nitronaut
Allain Umailin

Hello @asianbusinesssolutions@yahoo.com,

Thank you for reaching out to us through our Community Forums!

In order to further assist you, what build of Nitro Pro are you working with? You can find this out by clicking on 'About Nitro Pro' under the Help tab (format is 13.XX.X.XXX, e.g. or you can go to Control Panel > Programs and Features.

Lastly, kindly note that several font packs (Thai, Japanese, etc) once built into Windows have been moved to the 'Optional Features' section (in Windows 10). This is required by Nitro to render certain character types, but can easily be downloaded again.

Depending on your build of Windows 10, you will be able to download the font pack via one of the following paths:

-Start > Settings > System > Apps & Features > Manage optional features > Add a feature > Thai Supplemental Fonts (see attached)

-Start > Settings > Apps > Optional features > Add a feature > Thai Supplemental Fonts.

After downloading the font pack, please close and reopen Nitro.

Thank you very much in advance and I am looking forward to hearing back from you.

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