Jonathan Powley Posted July 6, 2022 Report Posted July 6, 2022 The signature features are causing the application to crash. This includes both the QuickSign and the Protect features. I was able to use Protect to sign a document but the application would crash when scrolling the document to the signature location. I have looked at the other post at this forum which are largely unhelpful. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the application twice. I have tried clearing all relevant data with the cleaner tool. None of this has corrected the issue. Below is the support tool output: Quote [PRODUCT] Product: Nitro Pro ( x64 License: 504955XXXXXXXXXXXX Logging: Enabled Printer: ok [SYSTEM] Operating System: Windows 10 Pro Architecture: 64-bit System Memory: 31.7 GB Current Locale: English (United States) Current Resolution: 1920x1080 Current DPI: 96 Current Colors: 32 bpp MDAC Version: 2.32 .NET Framework: v2.0.50727 (SP 2) .NET Framework: v3.0 (SP 2) .NET Framework: v3.5 (SP 1) .NET Framework: v4 (Client 4.8.04084) .NET Framework: v4 (Full 4.8.04084) .NET Framework: v4.0 (Client Windows Installer: 5.0.19041.1766 [USERS] User Type: User My Documents Folder: D:\Users\[redacted]\Documents\ (writing allowed) My Pictures Folder: D:\Users\[redacted]\Pictures\ (writing allowed) User Temp Folder: C:\Users\[redacted]\AppData\Local\Temp\NitroPDF\29264 (writing allowed) User App Data Folder: C:\Users\[redacted]\AppData\Roaming\ (writing allowed) Spool Folder: C:\Windows\system32\spool\PRINTERS\ (writing allowed) [APPLICATIONS] Microsoft Office (16.0.15225.20288) x64 Microsoft Office Document Imaging (Object Model): - Adobe Acrobat: Internet Explorer: Internet Explorer (11.0.19041.1566) x64 Anti-Virus: - [FILE ASSOCIATIONS] .doc: Word .xls: Excel .ppt: PowerPoint .docx: Word .xlsx: Excel .pptx: PowerPoint .pub: Publisher [FILE LOCATIONS] Nitro PDF Creator Data Folder: C:\Users\[redacted]\AppData\Roaming\Nitro\NitroPDF\ (writing allowed) Nitro PDF Creator Folder: D:\Program Files\Nitro\Pro\13\ (writing allowed) Nitro PDF Spool Folder: C:\Users\[redacted]\AppData\LocalLow\Nitro\Pro\13\PsDir\ [PRINTERS] Send To OneNote 16 - local OneNote (Desktop) - local Nitro PDF Creator - local Microsoft XPS Document Writer - local Microsoft Print to PDF - local Fax - local CutePDF Writer - local [redacted] - network [SCANNERS] [FONTS] Number of fonts installed: 357 System 8514oem Fixedsys Terminal Modern Roman Script Courier MS Serif MS Sans Serif Small Fonts Marlett Arial Arabic Transparent Arial Baltic Arial CE Arial CYR Arial Greek Arial TUR Arial Black Bahnschrift Light Bahnschrift SemiLight Bahnschrift Bahnschrift SemiBold Bahnschrift Light SemiCondensed Bahnschrift SemiLight SemiConde Bahnschrift SemiCondensed Bahnschrift SemiBold SemiConden Bahnschrift Light Condensed Bahnschrift SemiLight Condensed Bahnschrift Condensed Bahnschrift SemiBold Condensed Calibri Calibri Light Cambria Cambria Math Candara Candara Light Comic Sans MS Consolas Constantia Corbel Corbel Light Courier New Courier New Baltic Courier New CE Courier New CYR Courier New Greek Courier New TUR Ebrima Franklin Gothic Medium Gabriola Gadugi Georgia Impact Ink Free Javanese Text Leelawadee UI Leelawadee UI Semilight Lucida Console Lucida Sans Unicode Malgun Gothic Malgun Gothic Semilight Microsoft Himalaya Microsoft JhengHei Microsoft JhengHei UI Microsoft JhengHei Light Microsoft JhengHei UI Light Microsoft New Tai Lue Microsoft PhagsPa Microsoft Sans Serif Microsoft Tai Le Microsoft YaHei Microsoft YaHei UI Microsoft YaHei Light Microsoft YaHei UI Light Microsoft Yi Baiti MingLiU-ExtB PMingLiU-ExtB MingLiU_HKSCS-ExtB Mongolian Baiti MS Gothic MS UI Gothic MS PGothic MV Boli Myanmar Text Nirmala UI Nirmala UI Semilight Palatino Linotype Segoe MDL2 Assets Segoe Print Segoe Script Segoe UI Segoe UI Black Segoe UI Emoji Segoe UI Historic Segoe UI Light Segoe UI Semibold Segoe UI Semilight Segoe UI Symbol SimSun NSimSun SimSun-ExtB Sitka Small Sitka Text Sitka Subheading Sitka Heading Sitka Display Sitka Banner Sylfaen Symbol Tahoma Times New Roman Times New Roman Baltic Times New Roman CE Times New Roman CYR Times New Roman Greek Times New Roman TUR Trebuchet MS Verdana Webdings Wingdings Yu Gothic Yu Gothic UI Yu Gothic UI Semibold Yu Gothic Light Yu Gothic UI Light Yu Gothic Medium Yu Gothic UI Semilight HoloLens MDL2 Assets Arial Narrow Dubai Dubai Light Dubai Medium Lucida Bright Lucida Sans MT Extra SWGamekeys MT Artifakt Element BankGothic Lt BT BankGothic Md BT CityBlueprint CommercialPi BT CommercialScript BT CountryBlueprint Dutch801 Rm BT Dutch801 XBd BT EuroRoman ISOCPEUR ISOCTEUR Monospac821 BT PanRoman Romantic RomanS SansSerif Stylus BT SuperFrench Swis721 BT Swis721 BdOul BT Swis721 Cn BT Swis721 BdCnOul BT Swis721 BlkCn BT Swis721 LtCn BT Swis721 Ex BT Swis721 BlkEx BT Swis721 LtEx BT Swis721 Blk BT Swis721 BlkOul BT Swis721 Lt BT TechnicBold TechnicLite Technic UniversalMath1 BT Vineta BT AcadEref AIGDT AmdtSymbols AMGDT GENISO Complex GDT GothicE GothicG GothicI GreekC GreekS ISOCP2 ISOCP3 ISOCP ISOCT2 ISOCT3 ISOCT ItalicC ItalicT Italic Monotxt Proxy 1 Proxy 2 Proxy 3 Proxy 4 Proxy 5 Proxy 6 Proxy 7 Proxy 8 Proxy 9 RomanC RomanD RomanT ScriptC ScriptS Simplex Syastro Symap Symath Symeteo Symusic Txt Code39AzaleaNarrow1 Code39AzaleaNarrow2 Code39AzaleaNarrow3 Code39AzaleaRegular1 Code39AzaleaRegular2 Code39AzaleaRegular3 Code39AzaleaWide1 Code39AzaleaWide2 Code39AzaleaWide3 BarCode InSightSymbols Agency FB Algerian Book Antiqua Arial Rounded MT Bold Baskerville Old Face Bauhaus 93 Bell MT Bernard MT Condensed Bodoni MT Bodoni MT Black Bodoni MT Condensed Bodoni MT Poster Compressed Bookman Old Style Bradley Hand ITC Britannic Bold Berlin Sans FB Berlin Sans FB Demi Broadway Brush Script MT Bookshelf Symbol 7 Californian FB Calisto MT Castellar Century Schoolbook Centaur Century Chiller Colonna MT Cooper Black Copperplate Gothic Bold Copperplate Gothic Light Curlz MT Elephant Engravers MT Eras Bold ITC Eras Demi ITC Eras Light ITC Eras Medium ITC Felix Titling Forte Franklin Gothic Book Franklin Gothic Demi Franklin Gothic Demi Cond Franklin Gothic Heavy Franklin Gothic Medium Cond Freestyle Script French Script MT Footlight MT Light Garamond Gigi Gill Sans MT Gill Sans MT Condensed Gill Sans Ultra Bold Condensed Gill Sans Ultra Bold Gloucester MT Extra Condensed Gill Sans MT Ext Condensed Bold Century Gothic Goudy Old Style Goudy Stout Harlow Solid Italic Harrington Haettenschweiler High Tower Text Imprint MT Shadow Informal Roman Blackadder ITC Edwardian Script ITC Kristen ITC Jokerman Juice ITC Kunstler Script Wide Latin Lucida Calligraphy Leelawadee Lucida Fax Lucida Handwriting Lucida Sans Typewriter Magneto Maiandra GD Matura MT Script Capitals Mistral Modern No. 20 Microsoft Uighur Monotype Corsiva Niagara Engraved Niagara Solid OCR A Extended Old English Text MT Onyx MS Outlook Palace Script MT Papyrus Parchment Perpetua Perpetua Titling MT Playbill Poor Richard Pristina Rage Italic Ravie MS Reference Sans Serif MS Reference Specialty Rockwell Condensed Rockwell Rockwell Extra Bold Script MT Bold Showcard Gothic Snap ITC Stencil Tw Cen MT Tw Cen MT Condensed Tw Cen MT Condensed Extra Bold Tempus Sans ITC Viner Hand ITC Vivaldi Vladimir Script Wingdings 2 Wingdings 3 ra-icons Cascadia Code ExtraLight Cascadia Code Light Cascadia Code SemiLight Cascadia Code Cascadia Code SemiBold Cascadia Mono ExtraLight Cascadia Mono Light Cascadia Mono SemiLight Cascadia Mono Cascadia Mono SemiBold [ZIP] *.spl: missing [Microsoft Office Add-ins] Word Add-in (COM): ok Word Add-in (Office): missing Excel Add-in (COM): ok Excel Add-in (Office): missing Powerpoint Add-in (COM): ok Powerpoint Add-in (Office): missing Outlook Add-in (COM): ok Outlook Add-in (Office): missing
Official Nitronaut Leslie V Posted April 19, 2023 Official Nitronaut Report Posted April 19, 2023 Sorry to hear you are getting this issue. In case the problem is something to do with the installation, can you please try the following for me: 1. Download our latest Clean Up utility: 2. Extract the utility to the desktop (it doesn't properly run from within the zip) 3. Run the utility (NOTE: This will remove any custom signatures / stamps. Let me know if these need to be backed up) 4. Reboot 5. Download and install 13.70 from here: I would also like you to download the latest redistributable packages for Visual Studio 2015, 2017, 2019, and 2022. (VC_redist.x64.exe) You can download the installer package here: Please let us know how it goes.
Tony Mason Posted April 20, 2023 Report Posted April 20, 2023 DId all that and its still the same, no digital signature working at all, just crashes and reloads
Angel Garcia Posted April 20, 2023 Report Posted April 20, 2023 I did the procedure, installing Visual and the error still persists.
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