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No email confirmation nor PayPal confirmation upon $143 .99 transaction

Aleksandar Vasilic

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Aleksandar Vasilic

Hey there,

I bought Nitro PDF on the website https://www.gonitro.com/pricing for $143 USD and got charged for it, as my bank records show. I have, however, not received confirmation on neither my PayPal email nor marija.borisavljevic@restoranbalkan.rs, which i put as the email. How do I access the pro version? When should I get the email? I got this number from my SMS alert from my bank when the amount was deducted however, i don't know what it represents: 2212224545 DE


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  • Official Nitronaut
Reymund Oyong

Greetings @Aleksandar Vasilic

Thank you for reaching out to us through our Community Forums!

I did not find any license purchase when I searching for a record under that email address. I also tried searching using the first and last name based on the email address, but I still find no records. 
Our merchant (CleverBridge) always sends an email along with the invoice receipt after a successful purchase. It sends the email to the email address used by the purchaser. 
If you have purchased the license using a different email address, please send here and we will try to search for the purchase record. Otherwise, you will need to contact our merchant (CleverBridge) to find your purchase record. 

Kind regards,

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