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Tawny Jensen

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Tawny Jensen

I am using Nitro PDF Pro to redact sensitive information - 

Once I have made all of the redactions I would like to make I click the "react all marks" box. A pop up comes up that reads "This operation will permanently remove content that is marked for redaction. Once the file is saved these changes cannot be undone. Do you want to continue?". Then there is a check box that says "Remove hidden information such as:" and list a bunch of items. This check box is default checked. 


My question is how do I get rid of the remove hidden information section of that box? All of the other computer in the building do not have that it just says "This operation will permanently remove content that is marked for redaction. Once the file is saved these changes cannot be undone. Do you want to continue?". I need to get rid of the "Remove hidden information" section or at least have the default be unchecked. PLEASE HELP!!!!

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  • Official Nitronaut
Joseph Capiral

Hi @Tawny Jensen

Thank you for reaching out to us through our Community Forums.

I understand you have a question about the notification when redacting parts of the PDF Document.

Please be informed that when using redactions, it will permanently remove the content, which is why you always get that notification as some important information could be deleted inadvertently.

To avoid getting that message, an alternative solution is to use the 'Whiteout' option instead.

Thank you. 






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