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Printing of scanned PDFs extremely slow

Manuel Allemann

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Manuel Allemann

Our coworkers have massive troubles printing scanned PDFs, with Nitro either taking 10 mins for a dozen pages or crashing during spooling.

They are using the latest version of Nitro 13 on either Windows 10 or Windows 11 with the same result.

Printer is a Konica Minolta bizhub C458.

Is that a known issue? What can I do to resolve the issue with Nitro?

Printing the same PDF in Acrobat Reader works flawless in seconds, so it must be with Nitro.


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  • Official Nitronaut
Reymund Oyong

Greetings @Manuel Allemann

Thank you for reaching out through our Community Forums!

I understand that there is an issue in Nitro PDF Pro when printing heavy scanned PDFs using Konica Minolta printer. 
What is the build of your Nitro PDF Pro 13? This can be located under the Help tab > About Nitro Pro? 

Have you tried updating the printer drivers and see if this will make a difference? Are you using a PCL or PS drivers? 
Do you use a print server, or something that may be communicating between the computers and printers at all?


Kind regards, 

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  • 2 weeks later...
Manuel Allemann

Hello Reymund

Sorry for the late reply: My users are using version Nitro Pro - are there known printing issues with this version?

We are currently using the PCL driver, should I test with a PS driver instead?

We don't use a print server, the documents are sent directly from the clients to the printer and the communication works.

I can print the same document from the Adobe Acrobat Reader within seconds, so the delay seems only to happen from within Nitro Pro.


Best regards,

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