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Highlighting / Cross out / Mark ups disappearing

Luke Von Pein

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Luke Von Pein

I have an issue with Nitro where review functions like highlighting and crossing out etc will stop displaying on the page randomly. It appears to happen mainly when you save the document. The highlighting or crossing out will still be there in the background in terms of a box that you can click on and delete... you can still select it but it does not visually display. This is obviously very frustrating. Closing the document and re-opening does refresh the page and restore the highlighting etc to visible again. It shouldn't require this and is a very frustrating fault. 

I have Nitro version I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling and updating to latest versions possible. 

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  • 2 months later...
  • Official Nitronaut
Reymund Oyong

Greetings @Luke Von Pein

Thank you for reaching out through our Community Forums!

Please see the forum post below regarding this issue:

Kind regards,


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  • 8 months later...
Megan Barnhart


First things first, I am using my coworkers login to reply to this forum, because I am unable to login to my own account. Everytime I try to 'forgot password' I never recieve an email.  

I also have Nitro and I am having the same issues as mentioned above with the highlighting dissaperaring. I am also haveing the same issue whish shapes, if I draw one shape and copy it. Once I paste it the original will dissapear. 

Can someone please help...? 


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