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Nitro Sign Essentials "Remind" Feature

Cindy Ishikawa

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Cindy Ishikawa

Can you resend a document for signature with Nitro Sign Essentials?  My co-worker, who paid for Nitro Sign, is getting a message to "contact sales" when she hits the "Remind" button.

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Jeremy Buff

Honestly I can't believe I can't send a reminder. I can understand if automatic reminders are some premium feature, but I can't manually do it. There's nothing clear about how to send a reminder. Can I create a link and email it to them? Will they be able to sign? Nothing is clear. For a product at $120/year it's a massive hindrance. Especially knowing how people miss emails all the time. Makes my business look dumb not being able to quickly send a reminder. How is this not essential? 

Can someone from nitro help? I can't even figure out how to contact support. I'm seriously considering asking for a refund.

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  • Official Nitronaut
Reymund Oyong


Thank you for reaching out through our Community Forums!

Please be aware that the Reminder feature requires a Nitro Pro Business license, which is not available with the Nitro Pro (comes with Nitro Sign Essentials) license.

For more details about the differences of Nitro Pro and Nitro Business, please see the link below:

Kind regards, 

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